Solmukohta 2016 Gala Party

The Gala evening of Solmukohta 2016 brings us together to celebrate and reminisce upon 20 years of magnificent Nordic Larp conference history.

The gala opens on Saturday in the Grande Buffet, where we feast together and raise our glasses to some of the best company on earth, who we share the many wonders of the world of nordic larp with. After wining and dining ourselves to contention, we may spend the rest of the evening dancing in the beat of the tunes from now and then or relaxing in the more personal atmosphere in the SK2016 lounge.

Theme: Discovery

The theme for the 20th Solmukohta's gala is Discovery. Discovery symbolises finding a new, previously hidden world. In our anniversial gala, that new world is, of course, the world of live action roleplaying. So use your outfit, wit, gadgetry or any other means to display how the world of larp looked like when you first came in to contact with it. 

Discoveries can be very personal, and you have many choices for viewpoints and ways of implementation. You could find your inspiration, for example, among the following questions:

  • What did you see and feel when you played your first game or got to know your first larpers?
  • How did taking up larping affect you?
  • How were the people of the larp community like?
  • What was the coolest thing about the larp world back then?
  • What was it that enticed you to trying larp for the first time?


More details of the party and its schedule will follow closer to the event.